Provide an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects without specifying[指定] their concrete[具体] classes.
Real-world example
Imagine a furniture[家具] company that produces various styles of furniture: modern, Victorian[维多利亚时代], and rustic[乡村的]. Each style includes products like chairs, tables, and sofas. To ensure[确保] consistency[一致性] within each style, the company uses an Abstract Factory pattern.
In this scenario[脚本], the Abstract Factory is an interface for creating families of related furniture objects (chairs, tables, sofas). Each concrete factory (ModernFurnitureFactory, VictorianFurnitureFactory, RusticFurnitureFactory) implements the Abstract Factory interface and creates a set of products that match the specific style. This way, clients can create a whole set of modern or Victorian furniture without worrying about the details of their instantiation[实例化]. This maintains[保持] a consistent style and allows easy swapping[交换] of one style of furniture for another.
In plain words
A factory of factories; a factory that groups the individual[单独的] but related/dependent factories together without specifying their concrete classes.
Wikipedia says
The abstract factory pattern provides a way to encapsulate[概括、封装] a group of individual factories that have a common theme without specifying their concrete classes
Programmatic Example
To create a kingdom we need objects with a common theme. The elven[精灵] kingdom needs an elven king, elven castle, and elven army whereas[而、反之] the orcish[兽人] kingdom needs an orcish king, orcish castle, and orcish army. There is a dependency between the objects in the kingdom.
Translating the kingdom example above. First of all, we have some interfaces and implementation for the objects in the kingdom.
public interface Castle {
String getDescription();
public interface King {
String getDescription();
public interface Army {
String getDescription();
// Elven implementations ->
public class ElfCastle implements Castle {
static final String DESCRIPTION = "This is the elven castle!";
public String getDescription() {
public class ElfKing implements King {
static final String DESCRIPTION = "This is the elven king!";
public String getDescription() {
public class ElfArmy implements Army {
static final String DESCRIPTION = "This is the elven Army!";
public String getDescription() {
// Orcish implementations similarly -> ...
Then we have the abstraction and implementations for the kingdom factory.
public interface KingdomFactory {
Castle createCastle();
King createKing();
Army createArmy();
public class ElfKingdomFactory implements KingdomFactory {
public Castle createCastle() {
return new ElfCastle();
public King createKing() {
return new ElfKing();
public Army createArmy() {
return new ElfArmy();
// Orcish implementations similarly -> ...
Now, we can design a factory for our different kingdom factories. In this example, we created FactoryMaker
, responsible for returning an instance of either ElfKingdomFactory
or OrcKingdomFactory
. The client can use FactoryMaker
to create the desired[所需] concrete[具体] factory which, in turn, will produce different concrete objects (derived[来源] from Army
, King
, Castle
). In this example, we also used an enum to parameterize[用参数表示] which type of kingdom factory the client will ask for.
public static class FactoryMaker {
public enum KingdomType {
public static KingdomFactory makeFactory(KingdomType type) {
return switch (type) {
case ELF -> new ElfKingdomFactory();
case ORC -> new OrcKingdomFactory();
Here is the main function of our example application:"elf kingdom");
createKingdom(Kingdom.FactoryMaker.KingdomType.ELF);;;;"orc kingdom");
The program output:
07:35:46.340 [main] INFO com.iluwatar.abstractfactory.App -- elf kingdom
07:35:46.343 [main] INFO com.iluwatar.abstractfactory.App -- This is the elven army!
07:35:46.343 [main] INFO com.iluwatar.abstractfactory.App -- This is the elven castle!
07:35:46.343 [main] INFO com.iluwatar.abstractfactory.App -- This is the elven king!
07:35:46.343 [main] INFO com.iluwatar.abstractfactory.App -- orc kingdom
07:35:46.343 [main] INFO com.iluwatar.abstractfactory.App -- This is the orc army!
07:35:46.343 [main] INFO com.iluwatar.abstractfactory.App -- This is the orc castle!
07:35:46.343 [main] INFO com.iluwatar.abstractfactory.App -- This is the orc king!
Class diagram
Use the Abstract Factory pattern when:
- The system should be independent of how its products are created, composed[组成], and represented[表达方式].
- You need to configure the system with one of multiple families of products.
- A family of related product objects must be used together, enforcing[加强] consistency.
- You want to provide a class library of products, exposing only their interfaces, not their implementations.
- The lifetime of dependencies is shorter than the consumer's lifetime.
- Dependencies need to be constructed using runtime values or parameters.
- You need to choose which product to use from a family at runtime.
- Adding new products or families should not require changes to existing code.
- Flexibility: Easily switch between product families without code modifications.
- Decoupling: Client code only interacts with abstract interfaces, promoting portability and maintainability.
- Reusability: Abstract factories and products facilitate component reuse across projects.
- Maintainability: Changes to individual product families are localized, simplifying updates.
- Complexity: Defining abstract interfaces and concrete factories adds initial overhead.
- Indirectness: Client code interacts with products indirectly through factories, potentially reducing transparency.
Known uses
- Java Swing's
classes for providing different look-and-feel options. - Various implementations in the Java Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) for creating different GUI components.
- javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory
- javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory
- javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory
Related patterns
- Factory Method: Abstract Factory uses Factory Methods to create products.
- Singleton: Abstract Factory classes are often implemented as Singletons.
- Factory Kit: Similar to Abstract Factory but focuses on configuring and managing a set of related objects in a flexible way.
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